
+966532872415 | (+966) 550 165 675

Riyadh | Unayzah, Saudi Arabia

  • Nuevoways

    Medical Devices

Medical Devices

We are the licensed and exclusive distributor of the following medical and non-medical devices in Saudi Arabia:

Hearing Aids

We offer a broad range of hearing instruments from analog solutions, ideal for those who prefer analog sound quality, to cutting-edge programmable multi-channel hearing aids with advanced adaptive technologies.
Santa Pro

Assistive Listening Devices

Our assistive solutions are designed to assist hearing impaired persons in everyday and emergency situations and make their lives more comfortable and enjoyable.
Senso Baby
Senso Door
Senso Help
Senso Signal
Senso Water

Air Sterilizers

Our safe and efficient air sterilizers use ultraviolet (UV) technology to ensure continuous disinfection in any room, even in the presence of people.
Breeze 30
Breeze 60
Breeze 120
Breeze 1200

Call Us Today for FREE Consultations